Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Cheering for Cherrios!

There are some things that I just have to get off my chest!

To say that racism is a blight on American society isn't strong enough. It's like a festering, genital wart. (Not that I have ever seen one. I'm just using my imagination.) It's disgusting and shameful. It's painful and has already left too many scars. It should be obliterated. If you have it (racism, that is) you should really get yourself checked out by a professional. #mentalhygiene

Cheering for Cheerios!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tween Hair Blog Too Good Not to Share

My oldest daughter is entering a new age; an age in which she is more interested in her looks form her shoes to the bows in her hair. This new age is called tweendom, and it's already got me confused.

And when you're confused, don't you turn to the internet for answers? I know I'm not the only one. That's when I stumbled upon TweenyHair.

The blog is too good not to share. This blog is written by an average mom (not someone with a background as a hair stylist). She just happens to have a bi-racial daughter with very long, thick, beautiful hair, and she has been determined to put the effort into styling her daughter's hair in interesting ways that won't cause undue damage. No chemicals. Her ideas are inventive and the results are impressive. She gives all her instructions via written word (as far as I have seen) -- no video. She's my new hair hero.

Unfortunately Syd, the mom, stopped blogging in November 2012. As all little girls do, her daughter grew up and has so many interests that she doesn't want to spend as much time on some of the more elaborate styles her mother honed. She's also taken on more of the responsibility of doing her own hair. I can dream!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

I Might Need a Little More Than "Patience..."

This week I've been having a lot of ups and downs with my hair. Should I get it trimmed? Should I try twists again? Should I cut it all off and start again? Should I get another texturizer? The questions have been many, and I don't have any answers.

This new video from Chescaleigh may not have solved any of my hair problems, but it did make me laugh and look at things from a different perspective. Maybe you can enjoy it too...

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

She's a Shero for Sure! Viola Davis Talks about Coming Out and Creating Her Own Path in Hollywood.

It's great to see how Viola Davis has grown to love herself, as she says in this article in the Houston Chronicle. It just goes to show the overwhelming power of self-doubt and negative thinking. Someone and beautiful and talented as she is...

And to hear that she's going to bring Barbara Jordan's life to screen is just as exciting. 

Viola Davis to take on Barbara Jordan role

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Continuous Transition

What's the point of this natural hair journey?
When will I reach my destination?
When will I really feel like I know my hair?

Although I am very comfortable with my new 'do, I can't help but wonder "What's next?"

Sometimes I see another black woman with natural hair, and I think to myself, "I can't wait until my hair is her length." Before I realize it, I'm asking myself how long it took her to grow her hair to that length. 

I can't even ask myself if it's about the journey or the destination, because I don't know the destination. When do I wake up and feel like I'm there? I'm not there yet. I feel like I'm still transitioning.